英赛特雅思 发表于 2012-2-12 18:44


Nowhere in the world has the issue of culture shock been so much debated like in our society. Nowadays culture shock stands out particularly between tourists and host countries, therefore dozens of people considered visitors should try to adapt local traditional culture and habit of living. The above point is certainly true, this essay will outline three reasons.
The main reason is that respecting the custom and behavior of the host country can help tourists understand its culture. For instance, in Islamic countries, their belief is that the people can’t eat pork; they think that pig is not a symbol of spotlessness and pig will sully their holy belief. Therefore, when the visitors come to the Islamic countries, they should accept the custom, and then they will be greeted by indigene. There is no better example than this to demonstrate the strength of this point.
Another reason is that it is the best way to express tourists’ respect. Everyone state owns her behaviors and custom; history saw the development of this country. For example, when tourists go to visit host

country, perhaps some of things are so out of fashion. However visitors also admire local culture and custom, it will be good for their communication with indigene.
Last but not the least reason is based on the reason of safety. Considering personal safety, visitors should pay attention to their manners and actions. Sometimes, rude actions will be brought dangers for tourists.
In conclusion, the tourists should respect and understand local traditional culture and custom of host country. Otherwise it will be chill journey for visitors.

Ghostwriter 发表于 2012-2-15 17:04

英赛特雅思 发表于 2012-3-22 10:21

Ghostwriter 发表于 2012-2-15 17:04 static/image/common/back.gif

Private cars vs Public traffic
As traffic problems become more and more serious in many cities of developed and developing countries, their governments have to try hard and loads of money and energy have been spent to deal with them.
Firstly, it is not efficient for the commuters to use their private cars to and back from their workplaces. Occasionally we can see they have to sit on the wheels wasting time and fuel in a heavy traffic jam. At the same time, through burning the fossil fuels, green house gas CO2, CO1, acid rain gas SO2, fumes and dusts are being released into the atmosphere, all of which heavily overload the environment. Thirdly, with the increase of private cars, the road traffic accidents are also rise dramatically. For example, in a city with 5000 cars, there will be at least 250 accidents happening everyday, which also burden the public healthy services. 
On the contrary, expected public traffic may be an ideal solution to these problems. For example city buses and railways are widely used or being constructed by many cities. People can take buses easily, which can be found every 10 minutes or less in the peak time. Actually, Nottingham Transport Company is building its own light railway in the city, which is announced by the speak man of the company, “It will be completed in the next year, the tickets will be very competitive and at the same time the travel will be very safe and comfortable.” On the other hand, public traffic had its own disadvantages. Usually it cannot provide door-to-door service. It is inconvenient to go shopping by public vehicles. Sometimes you must wait a long time for the train. And quite a lot of people prefer to enjoy driving.
In conclusion, developing the public traffic is a useful approach to deal with these difficulties. One possible way, if not the best, is to taxi private cars heavily and use these revenues to provide citizens cheaper public traffic services. 范文3With the development of science and technology, the cars have already become the important component in our daily life gradually. Cars make our life convenient and swift. However, too many cars have caused very serious social problems. Some people claim that the disadvantages of car are more than the advantages. I doubt whether the argument can bear much analysis. Since one century , the auto industry has  developed at full speed worldwide, and has brought the enormous progresses to our life. For example, the car is the most convenient tool of transportation. We can  on and off duty by car every day, we can go to travel by car on the vacation, we can utilize the cars to deal with some emergency too. The car  playing an important role in our daily life. They make our rhythm of life faster and faster, make our business become more and more efficient. On the other hand, the development of the automobile has brought a lot of infant industry to people, Give people countless employment opportunities too. Such as, manufacturing industry, repairing industry and maintaining industry. We are enjoying the convenience that the cars bring to us; at the same time we can utilize the auto industry to support ourselves.However, we can not ignore that too many cars cause enormous social problems, for example, traffic jam, air pollution, traffic accident, to which we have to find a solution. In a word, the cars have brought enormous change to our life; the advantages are far more than the disadvantages. We should recognize the merit of the cars, and do our best to solve the problems. If so, our life will be brighter.
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