shinexe 发表于 2011-1-12 10:51

2011 第三届IEEE信息技术与计算机科学国际会议-ITCS2011(EI/ISTP)

2011 第三届IEEE信息技术与计算机科学国际会议-ITCS2011(EI/ISTP)2011 The 3rd International Conference on Information Technology and Computer Science (ITCS2011)23-24 July, 2011 Huangshi, Chinah t t p://w w w.i c i t c s.o r g/ Important Time Paper submission due:
01 April 2011 Notification of paper acceptance:
18 April 2011 Final manuscript due:
26 April 2011 Registration and full payment due:
13 May 2011 2011第三届IEEE信息技术与计算机科学国际学术会议将于2011年7月23-24日在中国黄石召开。会议由黄石理工学院举办,现代教育与计算机科学协会、IEEE长沙分会,华中科技大学,IEEE协办。会议论文需英文撰写,会议论文集将由美国IEEE出版社出版,所有录用的论文将被Ei和ISTP检索。 Online Paper Submission: ht tp://ww w.ici t cs.or g/it cs2011/sub miss on/在线投稿系统:h tt p://ww w.ici tcs.or g/itcs2011/su b mission/ Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to: 1. WEB System and Information System 2. Databases and Knowledge Discovery3. Control, Intelligent System and Communications4. Business, Management and applications = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =The Secretary of ITCS2011Email: itcs2011@vip.,[email protected] Phone: +86-15827269070= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
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