yyj1831 发表于 2012-4-11 16:41


  名人 教育 媒体 科技 动机 个体 成功 挑战权威 快乐/痛苦
  1. Celebrity/hero 名人英雄类
  Is society's admiration for famous people beneficial or harmful? (2005.10)
  2. Education/learning 教育培训类
  Should schools help students understand moral choices and social issues? (200506)
  3. Media /culture媒体文化类
  Are the values of a society most clearly revealed in its popular culture? (2009.11)
  4. Modernism/technology 现代科技类
  Have modern advancements truly improved the quality of people‘s lives? (200706)
  5. Motivation 激励机制类
  What do you think motivates people to do their best? (2006.4)
  6. Individual vs. group 个人团体类
  Are the actions of individuals more valuable than the actions of groups or teams? (200806)
  7. Creativity/challenge authority 挑战权威类
  Is it important to question the ideas and decisions of people in positions of authority? (200610)
  8. Success 成功
  Can people achieve success only if they aim to be perfect? (2006.12)
  9. Obstacles/happiness 痛苦和幸福
  Do people truly benefit from hardship and misfortune? (200706)

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