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小妖的个人空间 https://www.gdutbbs.com/?13566 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS]



已有 610 次阅读2009-4-19 22:29 |

Collect father 收爹
You give me collect father.你給我收爹!
Do you think me didn\'t arrive?你當我無到?
Laugh die me.笑死我。
You give me stop.你同我企係度。
American chinese not enough.美中不足。
Heart flower angry open.心花怒放。
You have seed ,I will give you some colour to see,brothers,together up.
Eight woman 八婆
Eight woman,you are good! 八婆,你好嘢!
King eight egg.王八蛋
Black son黑仔
Today I was very black son.今曰好黑仔!  
Wear grass著草
I am wearing grass.我著緊草。
I fear that you have teeth.我驚你有牙!
High hand.高手
give you only a hair.我俾條毛你!
A stupid guy can be taught.孺子可教  
To collect hundred home\'s big achievement.集百家之大成
Good mother.好娘
You have not enough class to talk mathematics with me!你未夠班同我講數!
Old dot.老點
One old water 一舊水
What the spring do you do?你做乜春?
A dog of eating @@.食屎狗
A ghost of ass.屎忽鬼
Measure water/Pound water.磅水
A dragon service.一條龍服務
Hold hold water.楂楂水
Pump water.抽水
Two beat six.二打六 *
Two five boy.二五仔
You collect your skin.你sorry啦!
Piano piano green 琴琴青  
Peter piano piano green go to school. 彼得琴琴青返學。  
I know your mouse. 我識你老鼠 !
You teach me how to come out And walk in the future? 你教我以後點出嚟行?
I give you some colour to see. 我俾D顏色你睇!
If you have enough ginger,put your horse to me. 如果你夠薑的話就放馬過嚟!
Fish skin~魚皮 。
Fall on a street@@ 。仆街
You fall on your street.你仆你個街
Blow water吹水
Monster of blowing water.吹水怪。
Blow chicken吹雞
I blow chicken to beat your group of the guys.
我吹雞打你班友 。  
Stupid stupid want to move蠢蠢欲動 。
Face green green臉青青 。
You see road carefully你小心睇路 。
You go to street carefully你出街小心D。
You jump building.你跳樓啦。
People mountain people sea人山人海 。
Are you road?你係唔係路呀?
Eat banana食蕉 *'
You come back home And eat banana你返屋企食蕉啦 。
How senior are you?你算老幾?
What the water are you?你係乜水?
Where are you come from?你邊度架?
Do you big me?你大我呀?
Zebra chops people班馬劈友 。
Do the world做世界 。
Big tea rice大茶飯 。
What the ghost are you talk?你講乜鬼?
Cut girl 界女
The king of cutting girl.界女王。
Cut my head And let you sit on it as a chair.批我個頭俾你當凳坐!

发表评论 评论 (9 个评论)

回复 后院居士 2009-4-19 22:35
Pump water是不是磅``水?
回复 小妖 2009-4-19 22:51
后院居士: Pump water是不是磅``水?
回复 后院居士 2009-4-19 22:56
小妖: 噢噢,发现鸟~~还是你老见教的是
So pump water plz,one old water,or I will give you some colour to see```
回复 小妖 2009-4-19 23:03
后院居士: So pump water plz,one old water,or I will give you some colour to see```
O boy,What the water are you?I will give you only a hair
回复 小妖 2009-4-20 22:50
后院居士: Pump water是不是磅``水?
大虾,我被你忽悠了,pump water是抽水的意思
回复 后院居士 2009-4-20 22:54
小妖: 大虾,我被你忽悠了,pump water是抽水的意思
“Measure water/Pound water.磅水 ”你更改了,学习了~
I didn't wanna to old dot youforgive me
回复 小妖 2009-4-20 23:20
后院居士: “Measure water/Pound water.磅水 ”你更改了,学习了~
I didn't wanna to old dot youforgive me
forgive you?? O, that is something easy to say boy, just give me one old water and everything will be OK ,or you teach me how to come out and walk in the future, ah?
回复 后院居士 2009-4-20 23:23
小妖: forgive you?? O, that is something easy to say boy, just give me one old water and everything will be OK ,or you teach me how to come out and walk in
What the ghost are you talkI am wearing grass
回复 小妖 2009-4-20 23:31
后院居士: What the ghost are you talkI am wearing grass
ah ha, of course you must see it carefully,i am going to sleep now

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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