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The Key to Living a Life of Love

已有 230 次阅读2011-2-28 12:05 |个人分类:雅思分享|

The Key to Living a Life of Love

The key to living a life of love, peace and prosperity is to live from your Heart.

When you live from your Heart, you feel full, rich, and life seems to flow effortlessly. You feel in control, confident, connected to your life's purpose. You feel Joy and deep inner Peace. You feel Alive!

When love radiates from your Heart you feel vibrant, energized and blissful. The feeling of being on purpose inspires you to new heights... some you never dreamed possible.

Living from Your Heart keeps you focused on what is most important to you in your life. You move from focusing on conflict to re-focusing on what is most important to you...Your Deepest Heart's Desires.

 In your Heart holds the secret to true happiness. The Secret is Love. Love is the tender expression of the Heart... an expression we all long to feel deep within.

Whether you know it or not, one of the most important relationships in your life is with your Soul. Be kind and loving to your Soul, and use your experiences--all of them--as opportunities to nourish your Soul!







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