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英赛特雅思的个人空间 https://www.gdutbbs.com/?180558 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS]



已有 533 次阅读2011-3-28 14:33 |个人分类:雅思分享


Mary: How would you describe Lesley?  

Lily: Well, she's in her thirties, she smokes and drinks too much and she's single.  

Mary: Yep, she's single. And the word she uses to describe herself is a singleton. 

Lily: Singleton.  

Mary: That's right, singleton.  

Lily: So, does it just mean a person who is single? 

Mary: It does. A singleton is a person who doesn't have a boyfriend or girlfriend, husband or wife. 

因此,a singleton 就是一个既没有伴侣也没有配偶的单身。该单词是个俚语,属于非正式用语,不过使用这个词描述某人并无半点不礼貌之意。

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