




楼主: 小鲈鱼


 楼主| 发表于 2005-5-5 00:52 | 显示全部楼层




  1. 在题干中挑出关键词

  2. 考虑文中可能出现的同义词或者近义词 (paraphrase)

  3. 快速回文章找到相关段落,精读key word附近的一句或几句话

  4. 根据文意做题目

  以中国学生中学所接受的高强度的语法及词汇教育来说,step2 的paraphrase过程实在是a piece of cake。 关键在于key word。到底什么词才是key word。 很多习惯考大学英语四六级的人,会发现自己总是不自觉的就把目光投向一些小词,如形容词或频率副词上面。



使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2005-5-5 00:53 | 显示全部楼层

  偶的成绩为L7, R8, W6, S6, Overall 7。复习考试的过程中积累了一些经验,贴一下,希望对备考的考生有所帮助,也算对我这次雅斯的一次总结。


  为了了解考试题型,一开始就用《How to prepare fot IELTS》做了一套模拟题,结果备受打击,对了不到20个。其实不是听不懂,主要是对雅思的题型不熟悉。做题方式还像托福那样,听完了一段,了解了大意再写答案。结果那些细节题根本没法做。然后反思了一下,把《How to prepare for IELTS》中的听力解题指导看掉,接着就开始做北语《IELTS考试技能训练教程·听力》,这套书确实不错,扎扎实实提高你的听力水平,使你对听力的各种题型都有个比较好的把握。这套题一直做到考试前一周,没做完,只是选择性地做了每种题型的一部分。到最后错误一直在10个左右。然后开始做剑桥的测试题,做了三套,感觉比北语的要简单,最少时错了三个。听力材料的难度差不多,关键是题目简单。北语的题答案普遍偏长,而且有的答案词汇比较偏。而真正的雅思考试的听力答案很少有超过3个词的。所以有了北语扎实的听力训练,做真正的雅斯题还是比较顺手的。



  阅读没有什么灵丹妙药,只有平时多多练习。阅读方法合技巧参考的是《建宏系列》的阅读分册,讲的比较系统,条理清晰。练习用北语的《IELTS考试技能训练教程·阅读》,比雅思真题略难,文章比真题略长,是很好的练习材料。到最后想做一下新东方的阅读,做了一套,马上扔掉,文章短,题目简单,没有任何练习价值。光做练习还不够,平时也要多做一些泛读,看科技类文www.newscientist.com www.scientificamerican.com,看人文、历史、经济www.economist.com,这些网站上面的文章和雅斯阅读真题的文章类型及其类似,很多句式和语言都很相似,如果对这些句式和文体格式熟悉的话对于提高阅读速度是很有帮助的。














  口语我根本就没准备,原本打算考完作文后和考官说说,把口语安排在转天上午,我好用下午和晚上的时间准备一下,结果考场Supervisor坚决不同意,没半法,只有下午2:30准时参加考试了。中午看了看无忧雅思上总结的口语题目,想了想思路就去了。考官是老太太,一见面就职业性的微笑,真虚伪。CueCard上的题目我中午刚刚看过,也就胡说了一气。考完后我说句\"have a nice day\"就走了,等大半个身子都出了门才听见老太太说\"byebye\",我也没理,直接走了。出来就有些担心是不是太没礼貌了?还好给我6分,没拖我后腿。谢谢老太太。




  综合:《How to prepare for IELTS》、剑桥套装

  听力: 北语《IELTS考试技能训练教程·听力》



  口语: 无忧雅思网的口语机经









使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2005-5-5 00:54 | 显示全部楼层


  · A. 不可能写的很好,关键是要很稳地写清楚。

  · B. 概括一些内在关联性或原因推测作为总结


  A.【bar graph/column graph直方图】【pie chart/饼状图】【line graph/曲线图】

  【solid line/实线】【break line/虚线】【dot line/点状线】

  【show/indicate/outline/illustrate】the general pattern of …

  B.【number/rate/percentage/figure】of …【rise/fall/increase/decrease/shoot up/decline】

  【dramatically/sharply/steadily/slightly/drastically/gradually】from in to in

  1. 描述曲线: 【reach its peak/top/bottom/valley】【audiy.com】【remain the same】

  【level off/taper off】【fluctuate wildly/mildly】

  2. 数据组成:The total number is 100. Of this figure, 10 are A, 20 are B and 70 are C. Therefore, C accounts for the greatest number.

  3. 数据对比:A occupies only 5%, which stands in marked contrast to the 95% of B

  4. 数据升降:lose it attraction/become a general favorite

  5. 数据下降:10 percent of people preferred to do A in 1200, but only 5 percent of people stuck to the same preference in 1300.

  6. 最低数据:Each year/month, there were at least 5 people involved in …

  7. 数据接近:The year 1200 saw the least difference between A and B.

  8. 数据关联:To sum up, the relation ship between A and B appear (inversely) proportional.

  9. 同向变化:The trend continues through out the graph.

  10. 事物归类:be categorized under 10 headings/be divided into 10 stages

  11. 两张图表: the first piece of data/ the second set of date


  · A. It is 10 in 1200, but 30 in 1300,increased three times.

  · B. From just 100 in 1200 to over 4 times this amount in 1300.


  · C.  In 1200, increase was spectacular, compared with 1300.

  · D.  A shows the greatest increase. B also shows an increase but it’s not as dramatic.


  · A. People’s preference for bicycle reflects public dissatisfaction with bus service.

  · B. From the difference between... , we can see the changes in our society and…

  · C.It appears that XXX directly affects the XXX-audiy.com

  · D. Obviously, people’s inclination to go out contributes to the decrease.


  · A.There might be a tendency of decreasing in the future.

  · B.The tendency would be continuing because…

  Over the period from 1200 to 1300, the trend was towards a decrease in A, while there was an upward trend in B. There was a dramatic fall in A from 1205. However, from the year 1230 on, the rate of decrease slowed down and there was a more gradual reduction in A, reaching a figure of 10,000 in 1270. The number in B rose steadily, reaching 2000 in 1210, to a peak of 4000 in 1290.

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2005-5-5 00:55 | 显示全部楼层

  在准备口语题目时要想做到说的得体、切题,一个很好的办法是看一下native speakers是怎么谈论同样话题的,然后从中学习一些表达方式和词汇。


  What movies will become classics in 50 Years?

  The Bottom Line Which movies of the 90s will film students be talking about in 2050? This list consists of my choices of movies that should become classics in the future.

  The problem with the 1990s is that those years are still fresh in our memory and times haven\'t changed that much. The 00s of today are almost interchangeable with the last decade. It is still too early to tell what movies will become classics and what movies will become dated. Most of the big stars of the 90s arrived through smaller movies of the 1980s. The biggest stars of the next decade probably started in the 90s and their initial movies, now overlooked, may become future classics.

  All of the movies on my list are included because I enjoyed the direction, acting, writing or cinematography more than other movies released during the period. This list will likely change over time far more than my top ten movies of other decades. For instance, \"Casablanca\" has been a favorite of mine for over 30 years. It has aged well and will continue to age well. Humphrey Bogart and Ingred Bergman went on to make more great movies which only made \"Casablanca\" more endearing. Other attempts at the same genre have not tarnished the merits of the 50+ year old movie. The movies that I have seen since have not displaced it as my favorite whereas, I may feel different about any of these movies two years from now. It takes time for a movie to be earn the label \"timeless.\"

  These movies may be timeless but we will have to wait for another couple of decades for a proper evaluation.

  10. Dances With Wolves (1990)

  There are very few good civil war films and the beginning for \"Dances With Wolves\" is stunning as it is set during a wonderfully filmed battle. There were also very few good westerns made during the previous two decades, but this film was able to break the trend and deliver a compelling historical drama about life with the Sioux Indians. the buffalo hunt is spectacular and demonstrates the vastness and beauty of the country.

  9. Three Colors Blue, White, Red (1994)

  The three colors of the French flag are made into three different movies. Other than a short one minute period, the films do not interrelate other than each uses an assigned color throughout the film. The \"Blue\" movie is heavy, the \"White\" movie colorless and the \"Red\" movie alive. Other movies have used color for effectiveness, but a movie titled with a color has to pass more scrutiny. The artistic quality in all three films made the viewing an enjoyable experience.

  8. Home Alone (1990)

  Another genre that had been unsuccessful for years was the slapstick comedy. This story about a little boy protecting his home from bumbling crooks had all of the right ingredients; good vs. bad, youth vs. age, and brain vs. brawn. The Rube Goldberg like contraptions coupled with the comedic talents of Daniel Stern and Joe Pesci provide an entertainment that had almost become a lost art form.

  7. Shakespeare in Love (1998)

  This movie would get my vote for the best dialogue of the decade. It may have been the best dialogue since \"All about Eve.\" A film about the greatest playwright in history would receive some brilliance just from the subject matter. But brilliance also shines through with screenwriting, set design, costumes and direction. Although homage is paid to the Bard in style and content, I actually liked the movie more than most of his plays.

  6. Braveheart (1995)

  \"Dances with Wolves\" was an epic western that worked for actor turned director Kevin Costner. In similar ways, \"Braveheart\" works the same for Mel Gibson. In both cases, the leading actor, although powerfully played, is secondary to the cinematography, the historical crisis and the compelling story. Some movies are meant for the big screen because of their immenseness and grandeur. \"Braveheart\" fills up the theater.

  5. Toy Story (1995)

  Disney began making quality family shows again in the 1980s. A quality family show is one where the parents can enjoy it as much as the kids. \"Toy Story\" took it one step further and added state of the art technology to provide a wonderful Disney story. We all have wondered if our toys came alive, but we never knew that there would be so much team work.

  4. Hoop Dreams (1994)

  Every basketball star had a childhood that is in the background somewhere. \"Hoop Dreams\" looks at the story another way by focusing on the child and their development into a star. The movie was 4 1/2 years in the making and chronicles in real life, the rising athletes. It is fascinating to watch the players grow up and work through family and school challenges. Supposedly 250 hours of film was shot and edited to 3 hours where the viewer becomes a neighbor, classmate and spectator through the movie.

  3. Saving Private Ryan (1998)

  The battle scenes are vivid and extraordinary but the most riveting part of the movie is the story behind the mission to save Ryan. Tom Hanks plays the leader of a group of soldiers, all of whom were peaceful private citizens before the war. Duty and honor are emphasized as the soldiers perform their warrior responsibilities as trained. The humanity of the individual being is illuminated against the inhumanity of war.

  2. Forrest Gump (1994)

  I may be biased regarding this film because I grew up in a small town during about the same time period. This is a modern day fairy tale demonstrating that love, dignity and perseverance conquer all. \"Forrest Gump\' runs the viewer through the entire spectrum of emotions as it tells the story of a slow thinking innocent kid traversing through five decades of life.

  1. Schindler\'s List (1993)

  It may have taken until the 1990s to be able to showcase a movie about the holocaust. Shot in black and white, which provides a newsreel documentary feel for the film, the movie takes us into the life of Oscar Schindler and the lives that he saved. The horror of the film is that the events depicted actually happened. The beauty of the film is represented by the triumph over adversity that is so well illustrated through the lens of the camera.

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2005-5-5 00:55 | 显示全部楼层


理顺句子或段落间的关系,以便在做题过程中有重点的跳读。例如:在Cause-Effect中,浏览重心应放在Effect上;而在Comparison/Contrast/Concession中,考生应把注意力放在某个转折点之后的内容;而见到属于Addition/Defining/Explanation/ Description的部分,则可以直接跳过去。这种方式能大大降低文章的阅读量。

  第二步,解析题目。首先,无论遇到哪种题型,考生都应尽可能地找出一些关键词,以便迅速定出答案可能所在的区域。其次,考生应对各种题型有较深入的理解。尤其是每种题型的应对方法。拿Matching的题来讲,在General Reading和Academic Reading中就不一样,一个是Matching of Information,另一个是Matching of Paragraph Headings,两种题型的做法不一样,在前者,考生应将注意力集中在题中,将每个问题的核心词标出来,然后根据这些核心词去文中找相应的信息。在后者,考生的注意力应放在归纳文章上,在进行核心词分类后,就要对文章的结构和每段的重心进行归纳与分析,找出各段的主题词,然后在段落的首句中找出相应信息。

  第三步,注意词形变化。考生一定要特别注意词形变化、同(近)义词或是相关词,因为题目中出现的词不一定和文章中出现的词一模一样。考生在平时训练中尤其要培养这方面的敏感度。核心词尽量以信号词为主,其次才是关键词,这一找信息的方法尤其适用于雅思阅读考试中的“Gap-filling、Table/Graph Filling、Sentence Completion、Short Answer Question、True/False以及Multiple Choice题目。

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2005-5-5 00:56 | 显示全部楼层



  according to a recent survey ,four-million people die each year from diseases linked to smoking.


  the latest surveys show that quite a few children have unpleasant associations with homework.


  no invention has received more praise and abuse than internet.


  people seem to fail to take into account the fact that education does not end with graduation.


  many experts point out that physical exercise contributes directly to a person\'s physical fitness.


  nowadays ,many students always go into raptures at the mere mention of the coming life of high school or college they will begin. unfortunately ,for most young people ,it is not pleasant experience on their first day on campus.


  in view of the seriousness of this problem ,effective measures should be taken before things get worse.


  proper measures must be taken to limit the number of foreign tourists and the great efforts should be made to protect local environment and history from the harmful effects of international tourism.


  an increasing number of experts believe that migrants will exert positive effects on construction of city .however ,this opinion is now being questioned by more and more city residents ,who complain that the migrants have brought many serious problems like crime and prostitution.


  many city residents complain that it is so few buses in their city that they have to spend much more time waiting for a bus ,which is usually crowded with a large number of passengers.


  there is no denying the fact that air pollution is an extremely serious problem :the city authorities should take strong measures to deal with it.


  an investigation shows that female workers tend to have a favorable attitude toward retirement.


  a proper part-time job does not occupy student\'s too much time .in fact ,it is unhealthy for them to spend all of time on their study .as an old saying goes :all work and no play makes jack a dull boy


  any government which is blind to this point may pay a heavy price.


  an increasing number of people are beginning to realize that education is not complete with graduation.


  when it comes to education ,the majority of people believe that education is a lifetime study.


  the majority of students believe that part-time job will provide them with more opportunities to develop their interpersonal skills ,which may put them in a favorable position in the future job markets.


  it is indisputable that there are millions of people who still have a miserable life and have to fact the dangers of starvation and exposure.


  although this view is widely held ,there is little evidence that education can be obtained at any age and at any place.


  no one can deny the fact that a person\'s education is the most important aspect of his life.


  people equate success in life with the ability of operating computer .


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2005-5-5 00:57 | 显示全部楼层



  从2月到5月,找朋友要了一套n老的北语黑眼睛自己做,听。黑眼睛体型不规范,应试不强,不过学英语嘛,只要是在学,总是可以有进步的。所以有些朋友有Listen to this等听力材料的,完全可以当作雅思复习材料。不过到了考前一至两个月,一定要开始用雅思的模拟题了。  



  7月开始准备学校的期末考试,丢了半个月。考完一做题,狂差!阅读错了24个!!!可见一定复习一定不能停止。从8月1号到8月20号真正开始了全心全意地复习雅思。第一周是分项复习。把课堂笔记整理了一次,把里面的重点内容和容易忽视的内容画出来,几乎等于把笔记重抄了一次,虽然很累,但是非常有效果,基础打好了。这周做了两套题,全程模拟的,从听力到写作。第二周开始保证每天早上做一次模拟,下午对上午的题目查漏补缺,晚上再做点听力,阅读什么的。第三周最关键了。首先是调整心态。这时候多根朋友打电话聊聊天,放松心情非常重要。两天做一套题,千万不要做太难的题目(我用的是清华大学和悉尼科技大学和出的一套,叫做The New Prepare for IELTS,我在王府井买的,听力超级简单,阅读中等),一定要找回信心。这周周四留一套较难的,建议剑桥三,以告诉自己不要太轻敌。周五再做一套简单的,甚至听力可以找一套做过的做,总之分数高骗骗自己就好。  












使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2005-5-5 00:58 | 显示全部楼层




  1、快速阅读:平时进行大量的快速阅读。可选的阅读材料有:TIME, NEWSWEEK, THE ECONOMIST, CHINADAILY, 21st CENTURY等。因为雅思考试与时代紧密相连,具有一定的时效性,所以报刊文章为泛读的首选。阅读报刊文章应选择一般性的题材,如科普,社会问题,学术观点性的文章,而政治,军事,尖端科技的文章可以略过。采取的阅读方式为快速阅读。  










使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2005-5-5 00:59 | 显示全部楼层















使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2005-5-5 01:00 | 显示全部楼层


  1、Some young children spend a great amount of their time practicing sports. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this. Use specific reasons

  2、It is sometimes said that borrowing money from a friend can harm or damage the friendship. Do you agree? Why or why not? Use reasons and examples in your answer.

  3、Every generation of people is different in important ways. How is your generation different from your parents’generation? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your answer.

  4、Some people pay money for the things they want or need. Other people trade products or goods for what they need. Compare the advantages of these two ways of obtaining things. Which way do you prefer? Explain why.

  5、Imagine that you have received some land to use as you wish. How would you use this land? Use specific details to explain your answer.

  6、Some people like doing work by hand. Others prefer using machines. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

  You want to persuade someone to study your native language.What reasons would you give?Support your answer with specific details.

  You have been asked to suggest improvements to a park that you have visited. This might be a city park.a regional park,or a national park.What improvements would you make?Why?Use specific reasons and examples to support your recommendations.

  9、12 辨证客观思维题:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?People should read only those books that are about real events,real people, and established facts.Use specific reasons and details to support your opinion.

  9、11 熟知问题:Films can tell us a lot about the country in which they were made. What have you learned about a country from watching its movies?Use specific examples and details to support your response.

  9、10 学校教育问题:Some people say that phyical exercise should be a required part of every school day.Other people believe that students should spend the whole day on academic studies.Which opinion do you agree with?Give reasons to support your answer.

  9、9 常见选择性题:Some people prefer to spend most of their time alone.Others like to be with friends most of the time.Do you prefer to spend your time alone or with friends?Give reasons to support your answer.

  9、8 西方关注变化题:If you could invent something new.what product would you develop?Use specific details to explain why this invention in needed.

  9、7 常见比较题:It has been said.\"Not everything that is learned is contained in books.\"Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books.In your opinion,which source is more important?why?9、6辨证客观性思维题:

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Playing a game is fun only when you win. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


  Because of developments in communication and transportation,countries are becoming more and more alike.How is your country becoming more similar to other places in the world?Use specific examples and details support your answer.

  9、4 西方人关注的“变化”题If you could change one important thing about your hometown, what would you change? Use reasons and specific example to support your answer.

  9、3 关于学校和教育的话题--People attend colleges or universities for many different reasons(for example,new experiences,career preparation, increased knowledge).why do you think people attend colleges?Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

  9、2 熟知问题篇--In general. people are living longer now.Discuss the causes of this phenomenon. Use specific reasons and detail to develop your essay.

  9、1 A类:Over past 50 years, young people gain status and power but old people have lost. What is the cause and is it a good development or bad development?

  G类:Task 1:You and your family are living in a rented accommodation in an English-speaking country,You are not satisfied because there are something wrong with the furniture. So write a letter to the landlord andask how to resole the problem.

  Task 2:Young people are exposed to a great amount of information such as film, book, Internet.In what ways they give bad influence on young people and explain the reason, how to reduce the bad influence with examples.

  8、31 A类:Strong tradition对一个nation有civilize的作用do you think government should subsidizes the musicians, artists, actors or drama companies, do u agree or disagree, what should government do?

  G类:People doing different kinds of work enjoy different amount of holiday time. Should people have the same amount of leisure time? Give your opinion using some of your own experience.

  8、30 A类:Some people believe that a country should have the moral obligation to help the other country and some of the people think that exist the misspending of the government and the aid money can not be got by the poor. What is your opinion?

  G类:Some people think that children’s lives will be different from their own. Whit is your opinion? Explain the reasons by your experience and examples.

  8、29 A类:Some people think that machine translation is highly developed in today’s society, therefore it is not necessary for children to learn a foreign language. What’s your opinion?

  G类:Today some person has to work away from his family, what is the advantages and disadvantages? Give your opinion and some explains of your experience.

  8、28 A类:Someone say the age of book is past, the info will be presented by some multimedia tools such as video, computer, television and film , others think the book and the written words will be necessary for spread info & complete education. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

  G类:The culture of different countries are becoming similar so there is no pint for people to go traveling abroad for they could have same experience at home agree or disagree.

  8、27 A类:有些人把动物当作宠物有些人则当作食物和衣服的资源你觉的呢请从以上两个方面讨论并写出自己的观点

  G类:居住在城市里的和居住在农村里的人的性格有什么影响举例说明Your character is strongly influenced by the placeswheresyou grew up.–In what ways can growing up in a city or growing up in the countryside influenced people’s character? Give you relative experiences.

  8、26 A类:现在很多国家的学校都分男校和女校谈一下它的优缺点

  G类:有人认为National Costumes有助于保持传统故认为人们要每天穿着National Costumes. Agree? Explain. In many countries, people don’t wear their national costume. Many people think it will forget their history and tradition. So, people should be encouraged to wear national costume every day. You agree or disagree. (This is argument topic, u should support one or another)

  8、25 A类:More and more women go out to work. It is responsibility of government to provide staff and facilities for children of working mother, free of charge. To what extent do you agree or disagree.


  8、24 A类:现在很多国家的学校存在很严重的问题是由于学生的态度引起的这些问题是怎样形成的你有什么建议来改变这种情况In many countries schools have several problems of students behavior, Please give some cause of it and some suggest.


  8、23 A类:英国和国际旅游业的流行会不会导致小语种和小民族的伤害The spread of English and development of the international tourism have some negative effects to the country’s language andculture development? What extent do you agree or disagree?


  8、22 A类:体育专业是否应该拿钱比其它重要的专业多,两方面讨论,还要举例子Successful sports professionals earn a great deal much more than people in other important professions describe two views and your opinion.


  8、21 A类:写某篇研究报道发现NOUNG WOMEN的犯罪率在升高,请给出一些POSSIBLE的理由和办法The rate of young women crimes is rising in the current society. What are the causes and how to solve it?

  G类:Parent should limit children time of watching TV and playing computer game, others Insister children spend reading books, agree or disagree?

  8、20 A类:Traveling abroad work for period of months or years, advandges or disadvandges to people and country

  G类:Do you think poeple do different jobs they should have different time holidayare you agree or disagree , give your reason an explain.

  8、19 竞争与合作系列

  some people said should not encourage sport at school because it will cause competition rather than co-operation. to what extend you agree with it?

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.....好................长........................... :)

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