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发表于 2013-10-12 15:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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译文:Lipids widely exist in the biological activities of plants, animals and human body. As an important component of our daily diet, it provides us with energy and essential fatty acids. It can also deliver the fat-soluble vitamins and help creatures to absorb these vitamins. Lipids is important as a hot medium, it can serve in food processing and directly affect the texture, mouth feeling and flavor. Structured Lipids is formulated after triacylglycerols being modified, and it can help to improve composition of fatty acids and/or change the location of fatty acids in the glycerol backbone via chemical or biological ways. Structured Lipids provide most effective deliver method of target fatty acids, which make them become nutrition or medicals to treat certain special disease or metabolic conditions. This paper discusses various properties of Lipids in food and biological activities such as chemical form, chemical composition, classification, effect, conditions for being effective, etc. Meanwhile the paper also clarifies the different aspects of structured lipids including the application, synthesis method (chemical way or biological way), the relationship between restructure lipids and aquaculture, and the future consideration in research of restructure lipids.

润色后全文:Lipids possess a wide range of biological activities in plants, animals and humans. They also serve as important components of our daily diet and provide both energy and essential fatty acids; they also act as carriers of fat-soluble vitamins and help in their absorption. Lipids are crucial as a heating medium for food processing and affect the texture, mouth feel and flavor of foods. Structured lipids (SL) are triacylglycerols (TAG) modified to alter the fatty acid composition and/or their location in the glycerol backbone via chemical or enzymatic means. SL may offer the most efficient means of delivering target fatty acids for nutritive or therapeutic purposes as well as to alleviate specific disease and metabolic conditions. This document discusses chemistry, composition, classification, function, occurrence in food and biological activities of lipids. It also sheds light on different aspects of structured lipids, including SL applications, synthesis (chemical vs. enzymatic), SL and aquaculture and future considerations for SL.


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 楼主| 发表于 2014-11-8 22:42 | 显示全部楼层
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