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[面筋] 宝洁八大核心面试题目(中英文)和英文参考回答

发表于 2011-8-19 11:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
宝洁八大核心面试题目(中英文)和英文参考回答8 Q3 U9 q3 Q2 e+ J" C5 B* x
- v! o8 `5 E2 T$ N2 ^
自己在网上找的  希望分享下
8 Z+ f1 O8 x2 J2 A0 \, B
4 n7 Q1 E+ X! Y4 g* |: A
+ H' ~% b( P( Z) n; N: g4 y: B# G! y2 J$ H% O" c

1 H* i0 K: ^7 }8 }* o宝洁 八大核心面试题
) D8 ~8 E0 I7 E' m0 l- i5 c; Q) B  以下是宝洁公司人力资源专家精心设计的八大核心问题,当然也是其他大公司通常关
  e; Q  n% F4 J! B- L8 \
( g9 Y3 {7 K) B1 y; X注的热点问题。
; o( m# K5 ?6 \. x/ q& J8 ?: |2 d2 V: T
/ w2 ^" v. f. Y9 @  z1. Describe an instance where you set your sights on a high/demanding goal and 0 ~; }% w9 l" Y) U# A! h

" [& q0 X! v; E# x: dsaw it through completion. ( u% k9 m  A8 I: {
举例说明,你如何制定了一个很高的目标,并且最终实现了它。 * `/ C# R  q- G: U

- K7 a: M2 f' Q, [' [- `2. Summarize a situation where you took the initiative to get others going on 1 |% o& K; s& z% }

* p0 \. `8 ~/ M/ ~: gan important task or issue and played a leading role to achieve the results you 1 o1 g& `. i* E8 V* W% {( s5 I: o. f
- [6 |2 e, w. h
1 A# c! Q% v3 C- Z6 b; F6 w' ^请举例说明你在一项团队活动中如何采取主动性,并且起到领导者的作用,最终获得你所
1 s2 x0 `! R# R9 {. e( W5 y; L$ _& z; g  L
希望的结果。( V: f' ]0 P  q# Z/ M
! m1 ?& k" B' s- }
3. Describe a situation where you had to seek out relevant informationdefine
2 j9 I2 c; H* e
) m# H" b4 ~6 c$ W" Fkey issues and decide on which steps to take to get the desired results. / Z' F0 S. b* G4 G# R
请详细描述一个情景,在这个情景中你必须搜集相关信息,划定关键点,并且决定依照哪1 q# l0 Q  Z/ c

! i/ t( X6 z6 M1 l% B些步骤能够达到所期望的结果。: {, ]3 `- ]$ G

5 q. H! h5 d: T$ R) y4. Describe an instance where you made effective use of facts to secure
7 u, f' Q2 G, m; O7 ythe agreement of others.$ S/ ^  m/ ^3 T$ O% r: v$ a* L+ I' N
- N) N+ S1 z2 V2 P  W1 W9 Y ) G# R- j/ j+ M1 F
5. Give an example of how you worked effectively with people to accomplish an
# V2 Y& u$ s, z, `( u3 _" ~2 Y+ w' m: y8 n$ s9 }" K
important result.
7 B8 R1 s0 w0 W, L: T1 o. v举例证明你可以和他人合作,共同实现一个重要目标。 " q2 a, y3 ~6 D; S; b
. d+ }( d: E( X0 q5 B

5 g' Z- p( q/ A3 X6. Describe a creative/innovative idea that you produced which led to a
( M3 `9 m& K8 Y5 P) F1 U- M+ h' l% j. W# Z
significant contribution to the success of an activity or project.
! N! d8 [  R& l7 {  Z* h1 k$ I( s$ G举例证明,你的一个创意曾经对一个项目的成功起到至关重要的作用。   F( y& R' V  }  L. i- h' k

: z2 u* d! P) @8 X, U+ e2 t7. Provide an example of how you assessed a situation and achieved good results 5 F1 c0 H% {/ C& Y, H" N

% x7 n8 a3 u( `6 Q  h  fby focusing on the most important priorities.
8 Z6 x& c8 J8 r& M( u请举例,你是怎样评估一种情况,并将注意力集中在关键问题的解决。
$ u" W7 @3 O4 m+ i  |* ?
, Z5 b2 q% O0 Q9 ^4 T* A8. Provide an example of how you acquired technical skills and converted them ! H4 q) b% X  {9 H6 N, s$ p
7 P% F1 i- ]2 d2 u
to practical application.
, Q0 z: `% t' r举例说明你怎样获得一种技能,并将其转化为实践。 3 D1 a& ~" e0 V2 k- Q
7 G+ a: n# Y, P; M
1 m6 Z3 o+ N9 x' Q( d) T收到好多师弟妹的信,无法一一回复。现在把重要一点的信息写下。
+ A, p$ v+ P0 Y4 R(1)面试的细节并不重要。宝洁公司招聘的特点是,大多数公司只是指派人力资源部的人" y7 y/ u- A3 @8 F2 W$ r

+ T6 F0 J  P  u  g7 k! c: {  K/ Z5 c去招聘,但在宝洁,是人力资源部配合别的部门去招聘。用人部门亲自来选人,而非人力
( e; L9 o) _- |7 X! x/ N5 V) f# M" J' w
资源部作为代理来选人才。让用人单位参与到挑选应聘者的过程中去,避免了“不要人的  n# [- R2 N7 V1 R) K9 v

' X1 P' E% d6 X选人,而用人的不参与”的怪圈。这是一个信号。你报了哪个部门,就要让那个部门看上2 x- d2 l8 o' E9 B0 @0 ]

" [& C2 {! p$ R& @* [你,而不仅是hr看上你。如是,你就要准备一些东西。作为一个毕业生,你的举止、礼仪
- A7 f. u/ F" m0 ~, H# X+ t  a% ~. z' e2 x. R  T: P  x
9 `: m7 }+ E7 `' ~; k- f" l3 y7 O) B# |+ B
7 O/ s6 U1 K5 l0 V. g! P( q1 ~/ Y, l) _( }4 T3 |
" h4 i1 ^: v* W( k! f
$ n; ]2 e+ {5 Z4 i! Y够了。
& ~! m4 Q9 z5 Q(2)一定要认识自己的优势是什么。不要强调自己什么职位,什么主席,什么长,什么书) f5 S5 U$ J3 x3 q( B

8 X! {: U/ G" z7 F( o记。这些与你的真实能力一点关系都没有。与被录取也没必然的联系。真实能力是有思考
4 m+ Z- {1 T: P5 y, Q& u* w$ }6 |3 C( B) }# T( r! x. j9 b% e4 w5 E
的人,而不仅是能劳动的人。陈述自己的社会经历时,侧重点应该放在过程中的思考和收, Q5 v2 g0 Y9 P: s
0 E1 g$ r3 ~; T3 D4 [' C; [  D
获,而非做的事的量。没有收获的做事,就是劳动,无意义。1 k3 A4 B9 ?- H% h" x
(3)永远不要吹牛。没做过主席就别说做过。不要以为你很聪明。事实上,能去宝洁的人) z. |8 k. r; ]2 |& Q+ s& ?

0 d: a" `7 z) W; h3 Y6 S,能面试你的人,自然比你有道行,自然有本事识别你的话的真假。回答问题时,往往细
0 H5 `* i. W# j! g; P3 H
: n0 q& O, ^+ I5 T8 z- y节和小事更能体现出你的能力。
6 R  e! S6 ]6 L: K6 `8 t1 Y(4)踏实一些。说话时可以适当神采飞扬。但千万不要高兴过度得意忘形。也不要说你有5 m! k( o. r+ t
' ?; s$ d- b1 i  G( o
* F, d: j) D* [& K+ L$ W8 V; w, J7 F
果不踏实,你就可以等死了。可以说,我有足够的信心,努力地学习公司的运作和专业知! T; y+ r0 a# H9 B* d) Z! C

( X3 \& K0 C- s8 @& f9 |6 `) q识,尽快地胜任工作。
, V0 q4 l5 o0 }(5)八道题的例子要准备好,挖掘自己的经历,不要编造。八道题问的时候很细,具体的; e' s  J8 G9 i7 G

; S3 w8 n( G* E$ a- O数字都要精确到小数点后两位。如果编造,那恭喜你,你可以被淘汰了。另外,例子要多
( [7 a5 j2 K' I  K6 N9 d+ \
2 B8 R# v  T! j( F准备几个,不要雷同。八道题在下面有列出来。我的答案去年和朋友想了几天才想好。因6 Z/ V8 w+ c( h* M
; f8 y2 ~$ g3 c7 V9 I; n
为每个人不同,我的答案未必适合你,所以我不想列出来。7 ?2 z) u& V* @# R1 S( J
7 x; j1 g- n$ r4 b7 b第一,相互介绍并创造轻松交流气氛,为面试的实质阶段进行铺垫。+ f; `/ c0 F8 O1 Y% q
第二,交流信息。这是面试中的核心部分。一般面试人会按照既定8个问题提问,要求每一  P, b* X' z5 C5 p+ l
6 m" L# c1 m; Z
位应试者能够对他们所提出的问题作出一个实例的分析,而实例必须是在过去亲自经历过+ c" g- u" q7 @3 F5 j; K

; u0 F3 D- x5 V的。这8个题由宝洁公司的高级人力资源专家设计,无论您如实或编造回答,都能反应您某2 {% p" w- a8 h( ~  o
+ T1 t4 k1 c/ Z* }( M
一方面的能力。宝洁希望得到每个问题回答的细节,高度的细节要求让个别应聘者感到不) y3 U2 c4 h6 m' v, |: S

  l) n) ?" E: }5 R能适应,没有丰富实践经验的应聘者很难很好地回答这些问题。' j! m/ J9 |) e% P7 p% G: w# w
第三,讨论的问题逐步减少或合适的时间一到,面试就引向结尾。这时面试官会给应! h6 s  U8 r/ s! y  s3 O- i6 i
聘者一定时间,由应聘者向主考人员提几个自己关心的问题。' i# b  g0 e% n' i. P. t5 M! Y
第四,面试评价。面试结束后,面试人立即整理记录,根据求职者回答问题的情况及总体' n+ G# z, r1 m6 u8 U
' \+ ^/ U$ q( h  \7 [7 C
印象作评定。7 Y  c* J7 y6 N. I: ?: d) W3 \
' ?" X. r6 v$ T6 P* H  R. c! v( N
! u* n+ p3 N! N背景面谈法,即根据一些既定考察方面和问题来收集应聘者所提供的事例,从而来考核该
9 o# w* l/ j" g5 t6 V; L% k: G0 Q* s  G9 P+ e& z; G
应聘者的综合素质和能力。# w* S% p( ~" P. T, ^
5 R7 B6 }: J5 S% ?第一,请你举1个具体的例子,说明你是如何设定1个目标然后达到它。
6 K7 Z# V$ t) d4 O第二,请举例说明你在1项团队活动中如何采取主动性,并且起到领导者的作用,最终获得
3 i9 h$ {3 ?! i& r0 V+ Y; R; m9 |+ d( x' Z& ^; R5 |( J
# w4 T% M8 r: N) g第三,请你描述1种情形,在这种情形中你必须去寻找相关的信息,发现关键的问题并且自
  |- U% g, y- p9 W8 E+ A
* X+ P# a& ~% N# x% W己决定依照一些步骤来获得期望的结果。
$ c% _2 F* m% r4 @第四,请你举1个例子说明你是怎样通过事实来履行你对他人的承诺的。 
- N- ?6 z* q3 y; y2 S第五,请你举1个例子,说明在完成1项重要任务时,你是怎样和他人进行有效合作的。7 z/ M& a1 b. u
第六,请你举1个例子,说明你的1个有创意的建议曾经对1项计划的成功起到了重要的作用8 S7 w5 d8 v2 x4 R( m: o$ X
( s2 Z. t: s* N4 R7 @. Y
4 Y  `' s9 q7 ?/ @/ @
第七,请你举1个具体的例子,说明你是怎样对你所处的环境进行1个评估,并且能将注意  X$ v% W2 [% P* q
0 Q/ v$ _; T$ o* N8 P: n
力集中于最重要的事情上以便获得你所期望的结果。3 J( ]; z: K8 X7 I, [" g& [
第八,请你举1个具体的例子,说明你是怎样学习1门技术并且怎样将它用于实际工作中。! H/ I: O$ A4 I' m% A
+ ]' n1 a- T: q; C0 |& F, a5 a* L1 j/ Q& H9 G) M2 x6 i8 Y
等:1—2 (能力不足,不符合职位要求;缺乏技巧,能力及知识),3—5 (普通至超乎一般+ |0 n+ s* d/ w
; J& l2 F/ }* L
水准;符合职位要求;技巧、能力及知识水平良好),6—8(杰出应聘者,超乎职位要求;6 @1 W6 u" n  M6 ~. I- G
& c- V: d  v2 d
技巧、能力及知识水平出众)。具体项目评分包括说服力/毅力评分、组织/计划能力评分7 x4 e# I/ S+ \
+ J, l0 [0 d& j5 A4 n
、群体合作能力评分等项目评分。在“面试评估表”的最后1页有1项“是否推荐栏”,有3# `1 q9 ?$ C7 ]! ]  }7 k/ M
$ a# U2 [' e$ d4 {9 `/ m
8 i1 p. h& |  `5 V  v8 m7 y/ P* z$ ~. d* c
有面试经理一致通过方可。若是几位面试经理一起面试应聘人,在集体讨论之后,最后的8 l  M8 h  ?% N% o4 Y4 o7 u
1 f& J, z( {  m# M
评估多采取1票否决制。任何1位面试官选择了“拒绝”,该生都将从面试程序中被淘汰。4 I! }5 ^1 \) H3 F
( v3 K9 m* ^8 p. `9 H还要提醒一句:你现在应聘宝洁,和你被录取没有关系。不要以为自己就快成为宝洁的员& H+ m; J' Y& G) g2 q2 R0 Y
5 L  v9 C: t. Z7 }, c* g
工了。这么想是不现实的。毕竟宝洁招的人太少了。可以把宝洁和联合利华当成目标,但& z. [, _  s' g& u
! H+ ]# U6 ~3 J" ]+ p
* ]) T0 A; Y- f1 K; q3 \OK。祝师弟妹顺利。即使不被宝洁录取,也要从应聘过程中学到东西。后者更重要一些,
+ H/ ?+ [; Y" F7 K5 U5 O6 h7 p+ z% x$ D7 C' ?8 {1 v* q2 X9 w
对大多数人。希望这些文字不是垃圾。# r. f$ n9 c) V- ?( C' M2 x
: X1 b' V2 R" ~9 T7 `0 _
4 O7 v! v# J8 K8 x- C

# I( O# D5 P3 A  b: S" G+ u6 f4 p宝洁面试题0 I+ Z" u/ v3 T% G4 A4 B; |3 }
Procter & Gamble Asia Management Application Form Supplemental Data 9 Q! s; ~% s9 K3 A8 }- J- I
宝洁公司招聘题号称由高级人力资源专家设计,无论您如实或编造回答, 都能反应您某一方8 z* Q, w4 J' m, Y. ~

# u8 p: K: H: C2 t4 C1 D面的能力。 核心部分的题如下:
0 w6 g& C8 O7 t0 a2 ^Please provide concise examples that will help us better understand your
1 z! Y0 Q6 o6 Z6 N4 J4 y! T" m# I" g6 w1 v5 v* y
capabilities. + c& w! B2 c% ^# r
1、Describe an instance where you set your sights on a high/demanding goal and ; P- q6 ^/ v1 B- ^7 c5 D* h

0 o2 `+ I$ }" ~! lsaw it though completion. 6 p  Z( O: x) j4 P% m* \! O: F
Demanding Goal: To design a musical and dramatic show to celebrate the
- @4 ?& w3 t+ Y) `6 a# l& ^5 p5 i1 N; e% R. Y
centennial Anniversary of Tianjin University.
+ d; i6 P+ ~0 T( ]: y' j- p; [1 W The person who reaches this goal: Chairman of Tianjin University Student
- @4 U# T/ a* T" s9 z. ]) v, @. A# N1 a# e' y
Union What I learned from this observation: It is not necessary for a true
+ o* u. d, F  o/ w' Q* s0 W! O) e$ c/ c& ]9 g' R' q
leader to be an expert in such or such field of his career. But he must possess
/ _1 q$ k- _6 m" l; j* m; J! h$ D2 R0 u" n& m3 [
the charismatic and the capacity to drive different people, who have diverging ) |% o/ F! a2 i, ^' F6 ^5 \8 a8 E

- \5 G" h! k/ e% b" vopinions, or even conflicting interests, to proceed togother to the same
' l# L0 l% `3 ~( A3 I& I) c* S5 S* G! s( G# h  h  }
organizational goal. : x( R7 M( z# q- Q& R
. A* M8 h% z0 S
2、Summarize a situation where you took the initiative to get others on an ! q9 Q9 p3 z1 K, O5 w- z& V  J

1 Y' A, H7 T6 E$ ?2 ~4 C- kimportant task or issue, and played a leading role to achieve the results you
4 h+ ?+ |% e' z+ K8 z6 F7 _1 w/ a
% o" ?! R6 t3 R" {6 R+ v4 ?wanted.   n& y/ \: S9 l1 p7 k! O8 I6 O
: R, v0 {. n' T3 \1 d
The activity I initiated: To organize a group to sing English anthems on # `6 r" U- D: S
/ B9 z' Z& M9 {6 [0 q
Charistmas Eve, visit all domitories in university and send christmas gifts on
) T6 U8 Q- w) ~# y; k$ U& g& |9 {0 p" E
behalf of our English Association ! M$ T/ g0 T7 c; Y4 B+ ^$ |) a
6 K& u- m, t- m6 B* [* S* x* z% v. ~# J
The desired result: To broaden the students’ horizons about Western culture.
  g' }( l+ W. d. j
- Z; |6 B. F$ ]9 |My leading role: Combine the representatitives’ suggestions with my idea and - \9 I0 s. K1 U) C7 \- s

* |& T% t- V" b# Y* Ydraw the decision on:
* X* T3 G$ |6 J& c, ?) f, q- l*What songs to play? + `# g& d( T1 E4 W
*Who could attend the choir?
/ }+ M. s" @6 Q9 U; a*Which spots we performed on?
( d# s4 A5 l6 v+ g" D
4 ?+ D' K7 u3 B- g, t4 SThe result: Many students said that they felt the warmness we sent to them and 9 B7 R9 d& A! J) ?$ U! q0 w; t6 I) x
4 T5 Z  ~/ K: {, v0 s8 {" L$ C  Z. s' a
they hoped we would hold such activities next Charistmas.
: D" v% h8 M" x4 W " K, H0 i1 H+ [3 K) {: K  ~3 E  Q
3、Describe a situation where you had seek out relevant information, define
1 a# W& x0 S1 h+ x; X
- N, M3 n9 Y$ m8 E! o4 Gkey issues, and decide on which steps to take to get the desired results.
: C% L3 k' n* E+ r: l1 G" g  G' O
9 C, ]# I, [7 X1 Q( KBackground: I organized the first activity after the establishment of the , E# E  W& \0 C$ `: a# M. ~( B

' t5 i+ }3 n7 R5 _% r/ x/ YManagement School English Association. $ b$ C& a. t& j
% d- J" t; h0 ?
The desired result: To help the freshmen and the sophomores with their English / G2 t' I& T% J5 i) \% [) W5 S
* ^* B1 m2 ^/ T
while publicizing our group.
  W$ z: P  y$ L% n& z2 U 4 [- K$ m; i! L( V7 L. _/ ~
Key issue:
% x& G- F: p& k- H. a. K0 \& |*What aspect of the students’ English abilities needed refining? Relevant & |6 `" d: q7 e2 Q

- r, N9 c# S, k2 s1 R* d3 y2 ?3 X5 wInformation:   Y% k! _. ]1 U
*What kind of entertainment was popular among students and also offered chances
+ F  Z3 b& O8 V! U
+ c1 w/ j# {- M9 pfor them to learn English most effectively?
! f9 t, I9 h3 r& A+ H# z3 Q- n7 o*Which foreign teacher was suitable for this position? / p3 D2 E3 _$ K) p
*When was our member free? *Whch place was convenient for most attendances?
- x1 H5 z7 e& i! L$ P; w% z*Other related factors, such as the availibility of facilities and the layout
6 @5 r4 K( V! h) B* O1 q0 {  W9 j; d. Z6 ?+ \, q
of the spots.
6 @0 R  l) R. V, M) t* ]; W6 w " A$ |3 Y) p& P  O# `
4、Describe an instance where you made effective use of facts to secure the ) ]6 l: G* t+ E* \) V

6 H2 G1 t, l( O+ q+ G# @) |agreement of others.
/ [, u$ M3 [( }# j( J   |. K1 V; j7 I2 K3 [8 a
Background: I advanced a plan to found an English Garden in collaboration with + a9 r' z9 ]5 D  t. Y# E
& R: [3 k; G; z' B0 E5 t% `
fraternal association in neighboring university.. V0 M& z8 L( P5 B3 e) i

8 {. z1 M" L) @, tThe disagreement:
/ v& l+ J; ?- }8 B" e0 N; k* t% m+ z0 b*The authority of our school may dissent.
: w& G0 [% L+ r: J*The cost was expensive, and we had no enough human resoure to carry on this
$ I7 H; b$ W& U. s; ^/ G& W' U( b. Y
6 s& ]( s7 R! B, t5 cproject.# d! l, n/ ?) f2 P$ N, s
*There were too many English corners. Another one was unnecessary. The facts I ( Z6 w) T' A! H: ]/ G! H9 d( J- B3 D

7 a  Y% h+ F- mmade use: + m/ t) H3 m0 r; q& L& t. C' k
*Our dean approved this proposal.6 h" w* T8 n5 e
*Our partner was willing to provide financial assistantship. And our members $ d% C7 o9 h. d6 v! G' q7 j
& T/ P/ V% S0 ^4 v. E/ F
volunteered to design the details of the plan and implement it. . t: D5 {4 \1 j* N$ T1 y7 j
*The poll showed that the current English corners did not meet the students’ : N; ^* g! c( U

2 v5 e' O$ o, C" S( Prequirement and lacked uniqueness. The result: Others were convinced and we 1 z- K8 t; [5 J. X2 _
! a( v* D! h7 ?: X* X
founded the English Garden successfully. + N; m2 n' t# X6 b. f3 l

% B9 @  M$ y: u4 Y5、Give an example of how you worked effectively with people to accomplish an 4 S( F- Z  y' d+ X

; A0 u! F9 h' U( j& j2 O7 Mimportant result. # L# p, R9 ^$ \* ^- w

# e/ G  q) T5 _- C3 `5 u8 W) cBackground: In the military training, we hold a Military Songs Competition.
+ F+ r4 p7 F" H* Q1 ?8 _
9 W: a$ ?5 x8 G5 @" c6 TWorking procedure: 0 W& k( T# [) u9 H( ^
Design: I cooperated with my collegues to figure out the climax of the 6 }; z/ ?/ ?& G6 u0 h6 Z' R1 P6 v
$ A9 @7 H2 f' R% g" Y
performance, the musical accompaniment of the songs and the whole arrangement
: y( r( [7 f  o6 B. _5 J* v8 L: o' D$ V2 l& m7 _9 p9 T1 i' S4 G% w& p
of the narrative poem.
" C7 K8 H7 q- Z7 y1 qRehearsal: I worked together with those who were in charge of the lights, ( i( W' A. u  Q

+ ^, D  u- `, ~: I  C/ `/ O1 qsounds and scenes to create the perfect artistic effect.
; V; |2 O1 b9 C2 d1 s6 q  aOn stage: I reminded my fellows with gestures and eye expressions. Also, we
, }" w5 u. l! v' R; N" r. V' c
8 U$ r" P; d1 N+ ncoped with an emergency coherently.
9 w5 L) d% ^% A; t; OThe result: Our military team won the second prize in this competition.
2 G& c/ S% q9 l0 R ) P0 h- U% F3 T# {( q& \( a
6、Describe a creative/innovative idea that you produced which led to a
# N: I" O( _, j: f9 r
9 S0 M- n6 L; k0 P# Lsignificant contribution to the success of an activity or project. " u) \5 U$ b( a9 T  K

  A  j" i* h9 ]- E3 F6 rActivity: To hold the Perspective Entrepreneur Contest.3 Q8 y  b+ d8 ~
9 m$ G+ M: X2 \! ~, C
The innovative idea I produced: To simulat a board meeting of a company, in 8 T. \4 T* n/ U2 b+ _) N- \

9 j9 j: o* r0 p3 K+ Nwhich our candidates debated the feasibility of selling modern fitness
& d  s, r. v2 _
5 V' {# t; ~6 q6 C7 i, ^+ Nequipment according to the market information they collected. ) w7 ?+ z! ]6 I- T' h% n* a
% g* [" ~( Y; D# A3 @. J
The result: The contest was hold based on my proposal. $ R" ]' I4 M2 S  [
3 y0 c' @. T' s, l( j. |- x
7、Provide an example of how you assessed a situation and achieved good 6 h: D" q: A4 R

+ _! V& o5 Y- A/ X! c% Cresults by focusing on the most important priorities.
/ G6 ]4 x# O$ i* d2 |
. Q7 o+ X! W( @' g" l5 D; q" A* CBackground: On one morning when our promotion month first began, I found that
7 d2 i/ Y5 c. G# E7 U$ g3 e: @: p9 ~/ l9 `
the inventories in some department stores were not adequate.
# J# K, {3 |) U; A( R1 ^! K: Q$ Z
$ L$ ^1 f- F; T" f& m8 f4 oMy assessment of the situation: The four promoting stores were not very far
% k2 n: T8 C( X* p& H3 j4 V
( N' A- v" D- D% ~4 r. vfrom each other, and the time they opened was not the same. It was possible to
  O4 e* z# W( n% W: m) m& @9 `4 ?
* K: X: N2 q! i: Y2 bfetch some stock from another store and made up for it later. / y" F3 p2 W1 e, [7 w

2 }7 t5 r! j5 z) {The priorities: To satisfy the stocking demand of the store which had the
( W( z6 F6 l2 D4 O; d8 `. k3 a) k% }8 B; b7 F" e
largest number of customers. ) c) C! Y+ r3 y) T5 Z: L
- G% @6 G' v. L2 G
8、Provide an example of how you acquired technical skills and converted them
' {9 b. T8 `1 X; @* a& t2 X! M$ t/ I1 z/ d, }5 h" V  x/ w
to practical application. ' U/ d& O  i5 |% G$ P- w' t6 P: d$ i
9 Y6 S8 h! k6 R
Background: In the inverstigation of customers’ opinions about the taste of a ) m" N0 `+ P9 t; w8 ?" }/ O

; ~& k/ v( d1 Y+ B  gnew kind of beer, I found that the questionnaire form was out of date and
6 q6 D9 J! o! U  x0 z7 Z+ `2 b7 m% o6 @0 h& ~3 L5 K2 z
limited the freedom of the responsers’ choices.
3 b9 z$ F7 X0 b' ~
. u9 e6 {) J7 n( @) h- X$ a5 m4 nTechnical skills: The scientific arrangement of questionnaire form
& |1 |3 K5 a& c1 K$ [% `- j
; i: R5 e2 B7 H0 h: ZThe result: With the help the converted form, our company obtained more
- a5 y- |# `: d1 h1 I& @5 i) \( f! Q
objective and effective information..
+ u& h# E- P5 A- e. I9 j- {
5 h) |2 y9 s2 x4 P1 |# s: M* O8 @宝洁求职俱乐部:http://bbs.aftjob.com/group-272-1.html
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