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[实习生招聘] 广州飞客公司招聘设计师助理实习生

发表于 2012-10-15 17:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Designer Assistant (internship/part-time)7 S3 C& Y: z) |3 f9 c% y9 {  y/ e' [

$ r3 S( |- K* C; b; X' g2 i1、 协助设计师进行产品界面设计;
) Y: E" t( }" z; I+ p% @2、 对界面进行设计修改、切图及维护工作;
1 o  y: `+ `- T4 e3、 协助设计师进行平面、动画制作类的相关标准制定以及流程的制定及创新工作。0 G, Q' P  V! J
4、 负责卡通名片设计和制作等;
4 y; }2 h/ {: Q5、 其他相关美术设计方面的工作。( i( ~- t' b5 _8 k  V2 `" c2 v2 H
4、 热爱本职工作,工作细心、责任心强;3 L. O; G0 {  ?& N0 V
5、 具有较强的理解、领悟能力、工作协调能力和创造力;6 W' }+ _4 ?* n' m% j+ Y
6、 良好的英语水平。
3 O7 k! l3 K. \9 F. \( O5 T4 \5 J+ S/ u* Z; y
0 V" T7 \8 `6 J4 K# @& A
任职资格1 M) D, ]7 p  `9 H3 B
1、 美术、平面设计相关专业,大学专科及以上学历;# u7 W  j' Q0 b6 p3 i$ G! a4 H
2、 熟练掌握Photoshop/Flash/AI等设计软件;
% D& Z6 d8 S7 P' W4 P# \& D2 P; }' B

# `6 g9 I% W9 s( {: ^6 j1 u' [工作时间:本实习职位,要求一周三天或以上工作时间,优先考虑大三、大四、研一学生。. G5 S6 {4 N: X

* M9 u( f; y7 d$ ~, c5 R  N# n发展方向:# l$ \, U: i% K
实习期间表现良好,毕业后可加入公司。4 R/ T# }4 u; b/ Y, A/ [
& B! U$ }# J& ]6 s0 B) b4 t  I4 z; V4 Y  v( @) L0 [$ f
工作地点:广州市天河区珠江新城4 I1 q1 P4 @! W/ r. {
" P- r# D+ g4 r2 G  X9 a* \9 a+ _8 G; m+ y% ^9 }
有兴趣者将个人简历发至:[email protected]$ ]7 L" v" H9 Z# S
邮件主题注明:应聘Designer Assistant+姓名, 邮件中请附带个人作品。
0 E+ ?" v: I8 M; S% K! j( U1 g* W5 f5 T) @! F; V" }
公司简介:/ a. H( S" _4 @/ N; z( S
$ I7 r! t& T- N1 W8 M2 f) I在大陆地区的注册公司名称为:广州市顾德思企业管理咨询有限公司$ N; k+ m2 e5 L6 s
. R7 a) @& t  d; z- V& E, [
FabriQate 是一家数字化媒体软件与市场推广公司,为中小型企业与大型企业提供一系列的系统应用开发服务,包括网络系统平台与应用开发,在线游戏开发与移动手机软件开发。我们很高兴能够通过我们严格的管理标准与对产品和服务质量水平的承诺,并同时为客户提供企业发展所需的技术而获得广大客户的认知。
$ z* _( M( H8 p6 T, j4 x% q
$ t4 n6 i  V- ~2 xFabriQate Ltd 依据 《Companies Act of England and Wales, 1985》 合法注册为一家总部设置在英国的公司。通过各子公司的发展,我们正在为来自北美,欧洲与亚洲等多个地区的客户服务。
; {: V6 G5 O$ a; s& c, g) I4 {2 K( j6 i/ I
FabriQate 的目标是全面成为世界一流的企业。为达到这一个高度,我们坚持公司的原则,以持续不断的创新为公司的各项事业打下坚实的基础。" G  ^  \+ s( v! h3 ^* |& I

" P2 T% {9 p% k7 d) F) L9 l作为一家专业的互联网应用开发公司,我们提供应用基于移动终端的应用软件开发与游戏开发,数字化媒体解决方案等。公司的快速发展使得我们的服务中心在全球散播,并逐渐拓展到跨地域,跨时区的全球化经营规模。我们备受赞誉的设计与开发团队广泛分布在各个国家,从而保证了行业内高标准的客户服务。" f5 `( J- B2 k# v

- P: Z4 Z6 e" @( q. F我们服务的客户包括:宝洁、联合利华、宝马、诺基亚、劳斯莱斯、日产、肯德基、必胜客、佳能等+ P8 P0 L* H- \) l# h; `
3 c3 R/ I: g7 U' G: i3 R
FabriQate is featured on CNN, BBC, Bloomberg, FOX, etc as a leader in the Digital space.
' s6 x2 [2 w+ m( _# x+ Z) @
7 d* \5 ?4 u1 e2 `, t) mOur core focus now is Mobile - iPhone / iPad / Android and Symbian for the Asian market.
( E! y! z: s$ I/ }9 T
8 l* [( q! @: `( S0 [  u9 p' L% bThank you for your interest in our job posting. Guptas Group Limited (GGL) is a Hong Kong company. It is founded by a retired Director of a large multinational company. GGL is its people and the values by which we live. We recruit, nurture and grow the finest people. We build our organization around them, rewarding and promoting people purely based on results and performance. We act on the conviction that the people of GGL will always be our most important asset. Together, we will delight our guests and customers by exceeding their expectations, always! Our promise is rooted in the principles of uncompromised quality, personal integrity, doing what's right, and deep respect for our colleagues, suppliers, customers and guests. Our vision is to be, and be recognized as, the best Company wherever we choose to compete.- o) S1 ]/ a  O' z; M7 y

/ e' D) d; B6 D. Q7 K4 b' p0 E& dFor our people we offer a nurturing environment, freedom to define your own universe, excellent growth opportunities, and performance-based attractive remuneration and benefits.
7 e. A& b3 N2 \0 P' K2 B
6 v$ f3 O4 F( T0 r2 bGGL has several business interests – a Digital Media Agency, FabriQate, and a hospitality company Vaastu Cuisine that plans to start a global chain of Indian restaurants.) y3 Z/ f' w3 y+ G* f4 V$ Z. b& n

# a. p$ \3 j4 j: ^( NAbout FabriQate
% q( r4 f" w8 R( V1 \. _% U+ \FabriQate is an award-winning Creative Digital Agency
+ S6 ?2 I) ]7 b& f3 LOur work is Digital Ideas.* `' S, _3 w+ ~5 \4 p

8 B  w$ i) i- j' N! E! WWe deliver these ideas for our clients via a variety of digital mediums such as specialize in Mobile Applications., H  E7 u; \* I, c/ @
7 H3 L) E1 H! ^8 v0 w, \) a& [  Q
As a service provider have created a unique one-stop-shop model for digital services required by our clients. We have been recognized as one the fastest growing digital agencies working with international standards and practices.
9 L  c/ _- N( J1 O  k+ Q: m  u. e3 [' w! l  d3 w6 Z
FabriQate works with 30% of the world’s Fortune 500 companies & three out of five of the largest Media agencies in the world. Our business is growing 200% every year since we incorporated three years ago.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-11-20 14:41 | 显示全部楼层

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