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[招聘] [实习生]英伟达Nvidia 2017深圳实习生招聘

 楼主| 发表于 2017-5-3 15:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
并不一定要完全符合JD所列,投递邮箱为 [email protected], 欢迎大家咨询!均有转正机会哦!还等什么,赶快来吧!5 r& a4 a# L4 u% s

6 M5 ]5 P, d, n9 U【硬件职位/深圳】& I4 T' G( o/ x5 n5 x# P/ o# P

. s  v2 D6 J1 l# c3 [# h/ g; {Intern-System Design Engineer(有转正机会)
; A' c: m; a! ]要求:: L( i; ?  E* ?9 c" o+ d# E- y1 {* F
- m$ d& K! U% ?+ u/ |-prefer熟悉模拟电路, PCB Layout等
) B3 ?5 e) j/ o* b( ~/ k-尽早入职,实习时间4个月及以上(不看2017届应届生,除非已准备读master),5天/周
& E2 E: U4 [  v! X, G) X1 d3 ^  M( E/ m% R' _, ~
What you'll be doing:
. Z8 @! Z- A- R+ [3 N* a0 }- y" K8 u4 b* y& b1 C! R% G! s1 I. Z/ m
- Hardware Design for GeForce, Quadro and Tesla GPU products. And automotive cockpit computer and self-driving computer$ l; x1 Y; z# K
- Board/System level circuit research and Development
4 m! Y& }1 U! F- Schematic concept design, Component selection and Bill of Material generation 7 B& g4 ~4 K* Y  c
- Board/system level Hardware debug and verification. c, a& i2 m* u8 w! o: E8 F( y
- Responsible for product design issue in the lifecycle3 w* ]+ u! e. H+ M5 O* K  z
- Guide PCB layout engineer for placement, power and high speed signals routing
- \- y; v0 ?% p1 Z4 q- y- Guide design Validation engineer for signal measurement
+ R: T5 x8 K4 Q7 J) d! n- DC/DC Power design, debugging and measurement6 K! k0 i4 c1 b' v) R) v, B
- Co-work with chip solution team for chip level bring up 9 K9 A0 I8 N: j; y  }
- Co-work with software engineers on debug and FA6 T- T6 P1 `# |; K# A/ u
- Co-work with SI/EMC engineers for signal quality and EMC issue
3 O* T0 a3 b3 F7 x! I4 V/ ~; O1 l- Co-work with mechanical/thermal engineers for system mechanical and thermal design
9 }, z; h* m# P0 a9 v: v% F* B
: A! s- r  b! K. qWhat we need to see:0 C" V  b/ {6 R  a9 o
- Bachelor/Master in EE, computer science, or relative majors
6 R, a3 `9 e& Z3 }. Y- Understanding high speed signal design rules
" U/ l% T; l* R9 t5 [+ x' U! |- Knowing the design tools (Concept, Allegro…)
' l3 U" s" u! ZWays to stand out from the crowd:" |5 X) @) i& c
- Can do attitude' T! u. r. B2 ~% }
- High energy- c- E2 S8 n7 j" i0 p; |: }) E
- Leadership
! l0 i6 p! N- L6 Q# A- q- Ability to learn complex concepts in a fast pace environment/ Y! [5 N  I# k& }, |
- Strong desire on creativity2 U5 F0 w; f7 ?! s
- Quick thinking and good decision making skills
4 k5 J7 V; ~8 ~& g& ]8 ^2 e/ F! T- Good communication skills (written and oral)0 B6 d2 u* X- \& B
( t0 M. }# j' q/ t0 W
- P  R' W$ N: @" t
6 s7 C% \; V1 ^6 E/ C& }7 P
Design & Verification Intern (Board Level,有转正机会)
" h- w! a/ g& w+ R: q要求:
' @8 ]/ `1 w1 S6 J! q6 L- o+ s-电子类相关专业,对power感兴趣
1 J; v: G$ b& p-prefer熟悉模拟电路  J6 h+ y. D, f: [
5 T, K' n& H/ U% F+ S3 Q7 i7 U! [  a/ W3 t3 ]9 Y8 L# @1 n
. _& E; I- c4 A7 O$ w# w, pThis position will be responsible for board qualification and power measurement of  NVIDIA products. Successful candidate will be in a dynamic engineering environment, with the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of exciting and challenging projects.
9 O+ p& S8 J" Q1 Z
& g% j* [+ b% |+ kWhat you'll be doing:
8 M9 E. z8 O; P9 D DC-DC Power solutions testing and debugging1 E& m5 T# R4 m! G, l. P/ [
failure analysis0 y7 |/ H2 d5 L. s* O/ Q
analysis of analog DC/DC power designs# W& J9 L, V/ |6 I4 ]8 W

/ O1 _( h, A0 t8 k2 c* C4 aWhat we need to see:
0 `1 L8 m; _: a) x; C! y6 @ Major in EE, or related field. MS is preferred.
* Q4 Y. F% J7 N" _; q2 p) J5 d) H Experience with PC architecture6 ^& s- d. y/ v" k2 f' |1 M) w( _
Good system knowledge of Desktop PC motherboards, Notebook motherboards, Graphics, handheld products, embedded systems.
9 s- c6 s) Z' w7 L Good English speaking and listening.
6 H6 Q# s; S# s  U& iWays to stand out from the crowd:
# }* \5 x$ a0 A) U( n& e& S Experience in measuring/designing DC/DC power solution( ^' I8 Q) }; F0 ]! [
Experience in designing experiments and evaluating results are preferred.- K6 O3 Y6 z0 e9 F6 Z5 Y5 ?- l# _

+ ?/ g5 X" i& K) S0 p3 f' u: S- v' b0 F, {
: ?6 n, j- `' F/ ?/ }4 j8 F+ @

" b9 B8 S8 P0 N# [' Q2 H9 {5 R【软件职位/深圳】
# f5 w  Y6 v6 M, I9 b* ?. P  b: Q& F$ w
EDA Assistant Engineer Intern(有转正机会)) T' z3 \0 ^/ w9 V6 G  T
要求:% q6 `; C. M4 k9 n
2 W8 |: I3 G+ [7 @-C++/Java, 熟悉脚本更好5 R  |( b* f" |' @3 F& T$ S
-尽早入职,实习时间6个月及以上(不看2017届应届生,除非已准备读master),至少3天/周! L# D! y1 |4 l3 U
We are hiring a software engineer to work for EDA support. Candidate needs to have a good understanding of the required languages. Related project experiences are preferred.
& |' R& x# Q: G  j0 m! C" k- @What you’ll be doing:
- `% L6 }: [5 R% ~- Design the automation under NVIDIA’s design flows
; C3 B7 t5 d) {- H+ ]+ w+ C1 D- Design and implement scripts to develop tools for Cadence platform5 @0 p- H$ S7 M/ B
- Design and implement scripts to handle text files processing' c1 S- G8 j" d- B- B; }/ B8 F
- Manage the documentation work for the developed scripts
; x9 l. m+ e. l9 r2 R. YWhat we need to see:
5 a- A# C2 p& q: @% x) t+ K0 g
& L: C! C, o- W* t4 R- BS or MS degree in CS/CE/EE
4 G1 b) ~7 b, |0 n) b) O& r$ [; W- Excellent in Perl/VBA or VB programming& k9 {8 y- s; x' H1 `; F& u
- Python/Java skills are good to have
) f- |( Q; i) N- |3 i- t- Good understanding of PCB design4 z; [  d  S/ A0 D) P- y
- Excellent software design, problem solving and debugging skills
/ z, {. A7 H9 e6 n. f; ^: a& D" V- Ability to read/write in English" s+ U0 t: G* O6 R: }! M- d, v- |
- Flexibility to work and communicate effectively
- V0 V+ s0 h8 ~/ h
5 w( [9 y, R8 P/ U, N+ L5 M+ @7 \# `

! ^/ O! C  c( w7 y; [8 d. i+ W" E3 u
3 o2 ]" r) G) S, LEmbedded Software Engineer Intern(实习时间长有转正机会)' m, A$ v1 p- I; n( O
要求:. o6 c5 J  [, r6 ]. B3 n. _
7 P3 e. f! a' `. k2 g' d, f8 F/ O-C/C++/Java, 熟悉ARM/Linux更好- }' O  c  |3 H( p3 ^* [' {* d
+ s3 @( K5 W+ N/ Q/ p& o$ l
  S/ ?6 O- p- o$ oWe are now looking for a talented, energetic Computer Science or Electrical engineering student with passion to software.  o3 q) a# V2 r6 [, [
What you’ll be doing:
8 l4 k% E0 ]1 m1 y. E Tegra BSP feature develop
# S$ G4 [1 |/ @1 O8 u' W& m stress/stability issue debug
! K6 P& E- B4 S: A% i* e) TWhat we need to see: 3 ]! Z! {' l: O, l. t/ C0 \& x, w
B.Sc student in 2nd or 3rd year of software engineering, electrical engineering or computer science with experience / interest in embedded systems.
$ _( ?5 N( I& N* Q- H Knowledge in programming (at least one programing course is required). Preference to C / C++.) \5 {( w, q/ F; N: h
Availability of at least 16 weekly hours.( x# E& k  v' C
Ways to stand out from the crowd:
& }+ p* t# Q+ c7 L9 TExperience in Android App develop4 `; {5 F! P, t9 Q! a
Experience in OpenCV1 Y3 x- E# M3 m/ W2 k$ X

! q7 Y$ N1 H9 {" T) P( S
/ R$ k4 t. n( q/ K; Y! ~! e
; v+ X$ _5 H( e* f% K3 |! m6 g6 |& d  B% [0 m/ D8 b
Web Engineer and Marketing Research Intern(有转正机会)
4 c# Q. y" w/ C3 |要求:
  @& \# K7 x' Q% T-有web开发相关经验,有一定文案编辑功底更好! H; g9 n! a+ d* c4 c
-尽早入职,实习时间9个月及以上,至少3天/周# r  l/ G& }+ J

, A& i& i6 f( IWe are now looking for a web engineer and marketing research intern:5 P( W$ n7 ?2 c5 p" q( I) H* y
What you’ll be doing:$ [3 n7 X2 J! ~# }0 O( ~: c# x+ Q3 _
Develop relevant projects website./ F0 [1 J- a& @7 j
Marketing research, dealing with market media and related reports.
, e3 g4 s$ F# P# t& i$ }What we need to see:8 f* q/ l2 y2 d, L: x5 `1 V
Proven experience of website developing is preferred, familiar with related language such as Javascript/PHP/Nodejs
( p/ [7 O; D# {7 y* L* {" a2 ^Willing to meet challenges  
9 m. T: L3 j0 ?* l, `1 g6 D) BWays to stand out from the crowd:
, p8 @: [% ~* @* D) P$ c3 n9 yAbility to quickly adapt to a changing environment1 h+ s, t: [2 ]+ _, h4 p  [* H
Ability to quickly learn new concepts and software is necessary.
# \, q$ Q: n$ H8 VCandidate should be a self-motivated, independent, detail oriented, responsible team-player
' [" v* N& _! y" N! k$ G5 zStrong communication skills1 h% T- z2 \! @8 i
Ability to multi-task and support multiple priorities( v  |; n3 ]$ s; ^- V  f
Strong Analytical and Problem Solving Skills2 c4 o) i5 ]& J" a+ }1 g
Excellent teamwork and interpersonal skills.  
+ P6 i4 M) z  f
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